
Monday, 31 August 2015


The day was rather challenging, considering the weekend that we travelled through; drained off energy and dampened by the weather, our spirits were hibernating as pointed out by Bharat Sir.

                Socialism, Capitalism, Communism, Bourgeois or Proletariat nothing seemed to work, not even Retail Therapy of the Capitalist, the class was equally divided, liberally day dreaming and off course the fraternity was not even remotely covalent. History was moving back and forth; AD, BC, BE,… all appeared to be jumbled alphabets and no one had a clue which jigsaw to which puzzle , at one point it did becoming un-nerving as though an imminent  revolution was brooding  parallel to the topic at hand, French Revolution. Phew!!! Seemed like we were in the wrong era in this time travel..! Hold on there is always a silver lining and the sun did shine at the end.

Aboriginals, their struggle, the Jews, Nazi propaganda, modern illusions of MNC’s and the Man eaters of Sundarbans unravelled themselves clad in different attires and this time, the coin was in the reverse, “Unless a lion starts to write you will only hear and learn a glorified history of hunters.” So was the case for the afore mentioned topics and we did get a different picture of the lions version from Bharat Sir. To conclude, as he said, Print has the power and one with power becomes powerful, however it’s up to us to be Orators and thinkers or to adjust ‘WB and hold Tri-pods.’  

                                                                                          - article by Shekhar Das


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