
Friday, 28 August 2015


The Nascent Paradigm

With the advent of technology, we probably didnt foresee the supersonic speed of transition from print to digital.

From the equality principles of Marxism to the communism spirit of Cuba and China to atheism leading to the debate between genesis and evolution, todays class discussion went off on a tangent covering different spheres of relative studies keeping intact the context -The evolution of media. 

Barath Sir spoke about a non-fiction book by Jared Diamond, Gems, Germs, and Steel. This book outlines a theory that civilization is not created out of superior intelligence but is the result of a chain of developments, each made possible by certain preconditions. Similarly, one can trace back the evolution of media as a result of the ones that came before it. For eg: He talks about frames (consecutive images displayed by a device) in a video which could be traced back indirectly to the working mechanism of a flip-book to a certain extent. Also, how video showcases linkage to photography.

Barath Sir recollects a point made by a student about the distraction caused by ads while reading an article on the internet. He points out how stories in the internet today with short videos and gifs. are similar to the newspapers (containing moving images) of the Harry Potter movie series. He also gave an insight about how earlier people regarded technology as a hindrance to religion and ironically, in the present era, how technology controls religion.

Considering the vastness of this topic, there wasnt any formal conclusion made to it although the examples and the relative citations enhanced a deeper understanding of evolution and new media.    

                                                                                                                         - article by Vivek Das

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