Before print , manu scripts was resisted to the church and the ruling class, but with the coming of print media , it applied to the people with the common language and create a nation of the same communities, thus forming imagined communities with something abstract , this factors which influence could also be the race , language, caste, religion believe , cultures etc
He also speak on the influence of the western intellectual.
1) Annals school: French historians, Instead of studying simple people history they studies deep structure history (geographical history)
2)Walter Benjamin: The replicability in print as in ability in which printed materials can be replicate as many times we need .
3) Luben Febure : In his book ' The coming of book ' describes the access of knowledge is available only to the church and the ruling class with the advanced of printing knowledge become availability more
Imagined communities of Benedict Anderson talk about how the coming of print led to the idea of race which cause communal genocide which in turns cause the feeling of nationality . simultaneously the race of the people made maps and documents,memory and history through meseums. He also talk about the idea of nations / state, nations has more social exist such as literature , history culture and so on where as a state has real , more geographical area( maps) it also has a functional economy and thus they trades ,with other nation / state . Nations / state is formed by cultural , geographical and political territorial .
The more dominated race or caste over power the lesser one and commit cultural genocide . the nation/ state has a strong military presence and huge bureaucracy . But in the 20th century nations / state is basically cooperative , it has control above human resources . Nations / state is a kind of readjusting in India . All nation/state work for the betterment of all .
- Article by Albert
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